Carmen Castro Gutiérrez

Hi, I'm Carmen

Superior Technician in WEB Development

About me

Mª del Carmen Castro Gutiérrez

I am a superior technician in web development from Almería, Spain. I did my internship in VIEWNEXT solving tasks with java and javascript. During my preparation at the IES Celia Viñas we developed an end of course project whith PHP called Celiamaps. My accredited level of English is B1, but I'm currently preparing for level B2

These are some of the tools I can use

  • PHP
  • Laravel
  • Java
  • SQL
  • Mongo DB
  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • Bootstrap
  • Javascript
  • JQuery
  • Git

Take a look at my projects



End of course project

Laravel, leaflet, jquery...

View project



PHP, Bootstrap...

View project


Management of a library with jsp

java, HTML, Bootstrap

View project


You can contact me at

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